How to Make the Folder hidden (invisible) in Windows XP | Windows 7 | Windows Vista

This method works on Windows XP | Windows Vista | Windows 7 but not sure about other Windows Versions. This method will make the Selected Folder Invisible but not Hidden. The folder will be only visible when you try to highlight it (see below). If you want to make sure that no one discovers it by chance then also move it to the corner of the screen.

Create a new folder.  Steps:

  1. Highlight the folder and Click ‘F2′ button. Hold the ‘Alt’ key and type 0160 (you won’t see those 0160 numbers while typing them). Press Enter. Note: you have to use the NUMPAD to enter these numbers.
  2. Change Icon: Righ click the folder >> Properties >> Customize >> Change the icon >> Select the blank one >> Ok.
You are Done... Enjoy this Trick. If any Problem occurs, COMMENT BELOW.
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